So yesterday my little boy turned one month old! I can't believe it, yet somehow it feels like he's been here so much longer. I had a wonderful birth even though I didn't have a homebirth like I wanted. The only thing that upset me was that I was put on pitocin without anyone asking me or even telling me. My labor was so fast I can't imagine why they felt the need to speed it up. I woke up at 2:40 am on November 17th to what felt like a very urgent bowel movement, I went to the bathroom but nothing. I woke up my boyfriend at 3:00 when I was relatively sure that I was in labor. (My contractions were 5-7 minutes apart.)
Since we don't a car I called my grandma, (she didn't answer her cell, the house phone or my grandpa's phone. I had to call my sister and have her wake them up) and she drove us to the hospital, saying the whole way that she was sure that I wasn't in active labor and we'd be sent back home. I was 4 cm dilated and when I was checked a half hour later I had progressed to 5 1/2. Did I mention that my OB was out of town?
When I got to the L&D room they unbeknownst to me started me on the pitocin, that is when my labor got super intense. During one of these awful contractions the nurse asked if I wanted an epidural. I said no, but she didn't hear me, so she asked again. I answered again, she asked again. I screamed NO. She apologized for not hearing me and I was not asked again. I started feeling like I had to push very shortly after that but was repeatedly told that I 'couldn't push yet.' The contractions were too intense otherwise so I just pushed very gently. The nurse said at the very leas I had to wait until the nursery staff got to the room. When they arrived I got down to business. By the time the on-call OB got there my son's shoulders were coming out. He was born at 5:50 am, weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and was 19 1/4 inches long.
The only other thing that frustrated me was how quickly the nursery staff was trying to take him. I did feed him for awhile before they took him for a bath and health screens. It was almost an hour before he was brought back to me.
My grandma stayed with him the whole time so I was only mildly worried about him. My boyfriend stayed with me (after grabbing a bite to eat) and was finally calmed down. Waking him up with such urgent news had caused him to have a panic attack.He had to go back home that afternoon to rest up before work the next day. I had to stay in the hospital for the full 48 hours, I would have been released after 24 hours except that I was GBS positive and (I blame the pitocin) the antibiotics that I was also on during labor didn't have time to take affect on him.
We stayed with my grandma for the first two weeks so that she could help me with the baby while I adjusted to motherhood, but I only needed her for one night when he was about a week old, the exhaustion had caught up to me and he was inconsolable. We've been home for two weeks now and Ryan tries his best to help, but he does have to get sleep so he can work. I am so happy with my guys, I've still got a bit of the baby blues but things are going well. I love my boyfriend and my sweet little son LT.
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